WPML Integration - MultiLingual sites

Install WPML plugin for multilingual translation.

See working demo at

Installing Plugins

Install WPML Translation along with String translation and the WPLMS WPML Translation

Install the WPML WPLMS integration plugin from below :

Necessary Settings

Required settings for WPML apart from regular WPML settings.

WP admin - WPML Languages - Enable Ajax

Translate course layouts in WP Admin - Vibebp - Coure layouts

Do not sync Menus but create new ones

  1. Translate the Loggedin Menu and Profile Menu

  2. Do not sync menus in WP admin - WPML - Menu translations

Refresh BuddyPress Navigation in each language

After setting up each menu, make sure you click on BuddyPress refresh navigation button at WP Admin - Vibebp - settings - buddypress for each language.

Note if you add new plugins to the PWA / Members area, then you'll need to follow this step again.

Use BuddyPress Single page

Enable BuddyPress single page and make sure the translated version of each page is available.

Translate other pages like Course directory, Members directory as recommended by WPML.

Custom XML Configuration

Go to WP Admin - WPML - Settings add following configuration

        <key name="vibebp_settings">
            <key name="general">
                <key name="login_heading" />
                <key name="login_message" />
                <key name="login_terms" />
                <key name="signin_email_heading" />
                <key name="signin_email_description" />
                <key name="forgot_password" />
                <key name="register_account_heading" /></key>

Next you will see translation option in WP admin - WPML - String translation to translate the strings :

And the translations applied in different languages :

Last updated