Using Blank Child Theme?
Then add the code in Blank Child Theme's function.php file
Not Using Blank Child Theme?
Paste code in wp-admin > Plugins > Editor > Select WPLMS Customizer Plugin > wplms-customizer.php
Tip 1: Change Icons of components in PWA
Tip 2: Adding A Youtube Preview Video In Profile
Tip 3: Show Link Of Quiz in Curriculum
In course page, curriculum does not show links by default. This tip shows links to quizzes in the curriculum
foreach($curriculum_items as $i=>$item){
if($item['type'] == 'quiz'){
$curriculum_items[$i]['link'] = get_permalink($item['id']);
return $curriculum_items;
Tip 4: ReOrder Zoom Meeting Tabs
'shared'=>_x('Shared ','vibe-zoom'),
return $tabs;
Tip 5: Add Custom Icons in Unit in wplms 4
if($component_name == 'jitsi'){//jitsi is your component name, change accordingly
return '<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="feather feather-video"><polygon points="23 7 16 12 23 17 23 7"></polygon><rect x="1" y="5" width="15" height="14" rx="2" ry="2"></rect></svg>';
return $icon;