WPLMS SphereEngine

Auto Evaluate coding problems in WPLMS

Register an account on https://sphere-engine.com/ . You may need a non-public email ID to register and activate your account at the above site. Activation is done by verifying email. Once your account is created you are all set to setup SphereEngine.

Download & Activate

Configure Settings

Post installing and activating the WPLMS Sphereengine plugin. Go to WP admin - LMS - Settings - SphereEngine tab.

Widget Hash ID

Login to your sphereengine account and locate widgets. You will need to click on "Create widget" if you have not created any widgets earlier.

Add this widget hash ID to settings in previous screen.

Compilers & Problem Token / API / API Address

Go to your spherenegine account and locate API Tokens. Inside this you should be able to locate the compilers token API and API ADdress along with the Problems API.

Last updated