WPLMS Custom Learning Paths
(Version 4.0+)
Custom Learning paths is becoming increasingly popular for eLearning communities. This is a concept where instead of courses and subjects, eLearning objectives are given more importance. There is no fixed path for eLearning, a learner can achieve objectives in multiple custom ways. Instead of units we focus more on activities and the sequence of activities instead of a fixed path.
The custom learning path addon is a very exciting addon plugin for WPLMS. It aims on creating custom paths for students to learn on the website. Until now there was no concept in wplms for allowing students to learn something in a particular path and award certificates and badges for completing different steps.
WPLMS CLP (custom learning paths) internally uses points/credits for each step, which opens up possibilities of achieving the objective via various combination of steps.
Create unlimited custom learning paths for students.
Sequential, non-sequential learning paths.
Include Social activities (friends, messaging) in Learning paths.
Include course activities, units, quizzes, questions, assignments in Learning paths.
Award points for each step of Learning path.
Award multiple certificates and badges for Learning paths, based on points criteria.
Anyone can enroll in and out of Learning paths.
Activity recording for all learning path steps is trackable.
Statistics for Learning paths, number of students enrolled and which students is on which step.
Integration with touch points, custom email templates, messages, notifications.
Purchase Link
PayPal Link
Instamojo Link
How It Works
User can enrol in any custom learning path available on website.
User can get certificate and badges for achieving particular points or completing some particular steps.
If the users have already finished the steps then they get the certificates and badges on enrolling.
Stats section for each learningpath.
User Enrollment
The user can go to learningpath page and can enrol in it by clicking on enroll now button.
There are different steps in a learningpath which users need to complete for getting points and hence the certificate and badges for it.
User Achievements
Users can see their learningpaths in their profile
Once the certificate and badges are awarded its shown in their my achivements section
User Stats on single learningpath page
User can see the stats of particular learninpath on the single learningpath page.
There are different touch points available for sending notifications, messages and emails to students
How To Create CLP
You need to go to wp-admin -> LMS -> All Learning Paths, and click on add new button. Here you will see different settings
Default Points awarded per step: These points are only awarded if the step points is empty or set to 0. You can leave it as it is or set some points there, this is ideal for the case where all the steps have the same points and you don’t have to set the points for each step separately.
Sequential steps: Enable this setting if you want your users to complete all the steps in the given sequence.
Add Certificates: You can add multiple certificate templates and the points when it should be awarded for this learningpath.
Add Badges: You can add multiple badges and the points when it should be awarded for this learningpath.
Then You can add steps in the learning path, you can choose different steps and the condition for the steps :
Example for certificate and badge assign:
Suppose there are 10 steps in your learningpath and each step has 10 points. Now you can set the certificate and badges for getting 50 points 75 points and 100 points. This way you can assign multiple certificates and badges to students while completing different steps in a given learningpath.
NOTE: If the users are already enrolled in your learningpath and you add more steps in your learningpath then you need to sync your users with the learningpath. The button will appear in the settings section.
For Any Query, Please Ask Here: https://wplms.io/support/forums/forum/wplms-addons/custom-learning-paths/
Last updated
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