The dashboard is the default component that loads up when user opens his profile.
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The dashboard is the default component that loads up when user opens his profile.
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You can customise the dashboard area very easily. The dashboards are built using Widgets. The widgets are set in respective sidebars. Each widget displays relevant data for which it is configured.
This is the default sidebar that comes up for members unless customised. If you are using WPLMS then the users with user role "Student" will see a Student sidebar and users with "Instructor" user role will see Instructor sidebar. Whereas the administrator will see this VibeBP Member dashboard sidebar.
The dashboard is a "One Stop" snapshot of what is going in the site for the user. For example an administrator will like to see what all sales happened in site. An instructor would like to see how many students subscribed to his courses. A student might want to see the progress in various Courses he is enrolled into.
So for all these small requirements a user can simply use the dashboard area. This area is created using Widgets.
These widgets are set in the Sidebars / Widget areas of WordPress.
Now technically you can add any widget into these Sidebars/Widget areas but as these widgets are loaded in run time , third party widgets which are interactive or want user input would not work correctly here. To simplify this, we have created a big set of dashboard widgets.
Simply search for "Dashboard" in your Widgets screen and you will find what all widgets you can embed in the sidebars.